Festival of Giving Fundraiser 2023
HeARTistas Milton-Freewater (a non profit organization in Milton Freewater, Oregon that promotes Arts and Creativity for Youth under the age of 18) would like to invite you to participate in this year’s Festival of Trees. All proceeds will go to bringing the Missoula Summer Theater to Milton Freewater for area youth to participate/perform in in Summer 2024!
The Tree Festival and Auction will take place at the Neighborhood Senior Center in Milton Freewater 311 N Main Friday, Dec 1st , 6-8 PM and Saturday, Dec 2nd 11-3PM. After the town parade the community is invited to the Senior Center to see the trees etc and participate in the activities. Bidding will take place until Saturday, Dec 2nd at 3PM. In addition to the Festival of Trees, Children’s Crafts will be available and other festive activities on both days.
Your tree, wreath, or gift basket must be set up and ready for viewing by 5:00 on December 1st at the Senior Center in Milton Freewater. Trees can be live or artificial and any size is welcome. Please make sure the tree is Family Friendly. *Saran wrapping the tree from the bottom up is the best way to transport them.
Thank you for your time and generosity!
For more information, email jbarthelfox@gmail.com
HeARTistas is a group of volunteers whose purpose is to provide art experiences and resources for local children and youth under the age of 18 years.
Art experiences are the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. We desire to create experiences for youth that they may create works that are appreciated for their creativity and emotional power.
Prominent examples of the arts include: visual arts (including architecture, ceramics, drawing, filmmaking, painting, photography, and sculpting) literary arts (including fiction, drama, poetry, and prose) performing arts (including dance, music, and theatre).
Our fiscal partners, The Milton Freewater Chamber Downtown Alliance will collect and distribute all monies related to these non profit endeavors.
Our current Chairpersons are; Jacque Barthel Fox and Emily Holden.